BEATS have been a sensation all over the world. Launched by Apple and Dr Dre before, 50 Cent is the one coming in the business now. He has teamed up with Intel and created a range of smart headphones. Named as SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear, the headphones feature sensors that check the heart rate of the wearer at all times – no matter what you are doing. This gadget does not need to be charged, like any other gadget that views your heart rate, it simply draws energy from the connected phone or MP3 Player.
All this information about the changes in your heart rate can be then sent over the internet to be analysed and one can receive professional advice to work out, or to lose weight. The device has a built-in optical sensor to measure the change in heart rate as it cancels the noise signals caused by the movement of the body motion and ambient light. One of the perks of these headphones is that the software can change the pace of music based on the pace of your heart to get in sync with your level of activity.
The company claims that they will provide their buyers with the same high-end audio quality that is observed across the SMS Audio Range. These come in the famous “ear-hook” design and are packaged as water and sweat proof. And they can also be synchronized to your RunKeeper app. Prototypes unveiled in January at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, these smart headphones will hit the market and will be available for purchase later in the year and will be sold under 50 Cent’s branding.
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